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Are you preparing to welcome visitors back to your attraction?

After weeks of lockdown, closed doors and furloughed staff, many of the country’s visitor attractions are readying their teams to welcome visitors once again.

The re-opening of attractions represents a huge step in kick-starting the long, slow process of economic recovery for the nation’s tourism, leisure and hospitality industries.

One of many challenges facing attraction operators will be how to ensure that restrictions such as social distancing, protective equipment and other new safety procedures don’t unduly impact on the visitor experience.

As people begin to re-emerge from weeks of lockdown, how they are made to feel during their visit will be more important than ever before. Staff will need to be supported so that they can welcome visitors with confidence.

As a VisitEngland Quality Assurance Assessor and a customer service trainer, I have developed short, high-impact customer service training which focuses on some of the challenges attraction staff will face when visitors return once again.

Live training delivered via video conferencing is proving popular, as is pre-recorded video, which enables staff to tune in at their convenience, absorb the content in bite-sized chunks and watch as many times as they wish. Traditional, face to face interactive workshops are also available to book for when your teams return to work (observing social distancing of course).

Here’s a typical outline of content:

  • Managing expectations – communicating the new normal
  • What’s in a welcome?
  • Managing spaces – queues, pinch points, social distancing
  • Communication techniques – overcoming barriers such as screens, PPE and social distancing
  • The little things that mean a lot – small but mighty ways to engage with visitors
  • Handling concerns and complaints – cancellations, timeslots, restricted services, memberships, gift cards and more
  • The importance of farewells – last impressions, secondary spend, donations, feedback, reviews and staying in touch

If you’re looking for bespoke customer service training that’s geared to welcoming visitors back after lockdown, please email me at or give me a call on 07976 609 264.

I’m based in Yorkshire and welcome enquiries from museums, country parks, art galleries, historic properties and all attractions throughout the country.